The benefits of owning a dog – Spartan Shepherds Skip to content


The benefits of owning a dog

The benefits of owning a dog

Watching a dog sunbathe is one of the most fascinating moments you can behold. Lying there, perfectly still, drinking up the warmth of the sun. They aren't thinking about anything other than the rays warming their skin and fur. Soaking in to them down to the bone. They savor each moment they get to be there, living in the now. Dogs can teach us a thing or two about life.

Many studies have shown that a variety of pets, including dogs can boost quality of life, and can improve our health mentally, physically and even emotionally.

According to, dogs have been shown to help with the feelings of depression, lower blood pressure, and lower your risk for heart disease. The physical benefits alone are a great reason to have a dog in your life, though there are some other reasons as well. 

Dogs bring companionship. Having someone to talk to when you are all alone to help you work through problems is very helpful. Having a companion will help keep feelings of lonliness at bay, which in turn can help fight depression. Dogs will always listen to your story and will sometimes even gift you with a wag of the tail or a lick to the hand, and are usually up for a good snuggle on the couch or a hug and pet.

Having a companion animal has been shown to add years to your life and give people a life that has purpose and meaning. Dogs have the wonderful ability to make us feel needed and wanted.They add structure and routine. Who else is going to supply them with endless snuggles and tasty food?

The physical benefits of owning a dog are also a wonderful reason to bless yourself with a pooch. By excerising with your dog, you will increase your serotonin and dopamine levels in the brain, which will cause both you and your dog to be calm and relaxed after a nice long walk or run outside. Along with the exercise, people have seen weight loss results, and let's face it, who doesn't want to lose a couple of those Covid 19 pounds.

Another great benefit to owning a dog is the socialization aspect. When you take your dog out for a walk or run, there are bound to be a couple people who may stop and ask to pet your dog. Friendships can form when you visit a dog park and you can add structure and routine to your day by having your dog visit its friends at the park, while you get to socially interact with yours. By being social, you can quell those feelings of loneliness.

It's a domino effect, really. By getting a dog, you will in turn feel less alone, and hopefully meet new people at the dog park, pet store or just out and about. Finding people to connect with can have emotional and mental perks.

Not only do these amazing animals help rid us of the stress and anxiety of everyday life, especially during a pandemic, but they teach us to be mindful. They take time to stop and smell the roses, literally. Dogs choose to enjoy life to the fullest. They play with all their heart and sleep as comfortably as they can. They pour their heart and souls into everything that they do. 

Dogs teach us to do better and be better.


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